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Nuoro, Italia
Lun - Ven 10:00 - 18:00 su appuntamento

Italian and English Neurolanguage Coaching ®


English and Italian Neurolanguage Coaching®

Would you like to learn Italian or English  in a fast brain-friendly way?  Language coaching is much more than simple teaching. I have been a language teacher for many years and I have come across a wide variety of methods and approaches.  In 2021 I discovered neurolanguage coaching®  and I became a certified language coach with Efficient Language Coaching, recognized by ICF, the International Coaching Federation.  I have discovered a new perspective in teaching, totally focused on the learner's objectives and needs.. A highly customized one-to-one path to learn fast and easily, stimulating curiosity and enjoying contents and activities which truly meet the coaches’s learning preferences. Focused sessions, with clear personalised objectives and timing, where coachees always know where they are in their learning path.  Easy and simple strategies to help the brain learn and enjoy fully the learning experience and take part actively in the powerful process of learning a new language. Contact us to find out more about our offer to learn Italian.  The first session to find out more about your motivation, level and objectives is FREE


Impara l'italiano o l'inglese con un  percorso formativo in grado di creare per il nostro cervello le condizioni ideali di apprendimento, imparare con facilità, efficacia e in maniera duratura.  Un approccio che sfrutta al massimo la nostra innata capacità di creare connessioni utili e durature per l’apprendimento delle lingue.  Simona Careddu è  neurolanguagecoach certificata da Efficient Language Coaching, con un percorso accreditato da ICF, International Coaching Federation. E membro di,rete internazionale di professionisti provenienti da tutte le parti del mondo.   Il  neurolanguage coach accompagna il coachee in un percorso  adatto alle sue modalità di apprendimento, lo aiuta a decidere cosa e come desidera imparare, costruendo una straordinaria consapevolezza del percorso e creando un apprendimento fluido, mirato, facile, veloce e duraturo. Leggi di più  su Simona Careddu, neurolanguage coach e sul  neurolanguage coaching. Contattaci per maggiori informazioni sulle nostre offerte.  La prima sessione per esplorare motivazione, livello e obbiettivi è GRATUITA






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